


  • Can I stay with my pet?
    We welcome you to observe and support your animal during treatment. However, there are some animals that act out or are very protective of their owners when they are present. In those circumstances, we may ask that you wait outside, as it may facilitate therapy and be safer for all involved. Our facility is enclosed by windows, has multiple viewing areas, so you will be able to observe treatment even if your animal companion is not aware of it.
  • How often will my pet need to come for treatment?
    That depends on your pet’s condition and what is realistic for you. During the initial evaluation, based on medical history and thorough rehabilitation exam, we will discuss what is realistic for your pet in terms of medical prognosis, your goals and what is realistic for you. Each treatment plan is 8 weeks in duration. We will devise a unique treatment plan specific to your animal companion’s needs. It typically takes at least 4 weeks to see real clinical change, so it is at this halfway point that we will re-evaluate progress and modify the plan if necessary. We will re-evaluate at the end of the 8 week course of treatment as well. For the average patient, with mild to moderate mobility or pain issues, we recommend therapy twice a week, each session lasting approximately 60 minutes. Sessions typically include, passive range of motion, cold LASER therapy, acupuncture and/or underwater treadmill therapy, therapeutic exercises and vitamin therapy. Other holistic therapies are available as well.
  • Will I be able to do things to help them at home?
    Absolutely! We need your input and participation in order the give your pet the maximal benefits. We will teach you specific exercises that you can do at home that will help your pet get the best results. We will also discuss diet, supplements, the layout of your home and practical things you can do to set up your pet for success.
  • Is acupuncture safe?
    Very safe. Each needle is sterile and discarded after it is used. Our veterinarians are certified veterinary acupuncturists with many years of experience. Acupuncture on animals should only be done by veterinarians certified in veterinary acupuncture. Our technicians also have many years experience in handling animals during acupuncture sessions, ensuring safety and comfort, and remain with each patient throughout the treatment.
  • Does acupuncture hurt?
    Most patients do not react to the insertion of most acupuncture needles. However, there are some points that are more sensitive than others and sometimes they can be felt. It is believed in Traditional Chinese Medical Theory, that when there is a reaction to needle placement at a certain point, it is a positive sign and thought to be due to ‘the arrival of Qi’ or “De Qi’. Humans describe it as a warmth or tingling that is not painful, but can be somewhat surprising. This sensation indicates that energy is finally flowing into an area that has been deficient, and brings with it a surge of energy. Our goal is get energy moving normally through pathways, so ‘De Qi’ is a good sign.
  • My dog/cat doesn’t like water, will they still be able to use the underwater treadmill?
    Most animals, even if they don’t like the water, do very well in the underwater treadmill. Rather than submerging the animal in water, we allow the animal to step into the treadmill without the water, close the door and then gently raise the water level around them. The technician goes into the tank with your companion until they are comfortable and is physically guided, comforted, given treats, spoken to, and encouraged the entire time. All patients in the underwater treadmill are given our full and undivided attention. In most cases, after the 1st or 2nd session, the animal is relaxed and knows exactly what to do. If the sessions are causing stress that continues, we simply find alternatives to the underwater therapy.
  • Will rehabilitation help my pet?
    While every pet has unique circumstances and needs, we customize a rehabilitation program that fits the specific needs of your beloved pet. Whether your pet is recovering from an injury or surgical procedure, has chronic illness that is interfering with comfort and/or mobility, or you simply have noticed that your animal companion is having more trouble getting up then he or she used to, rehab can help. We offer services that can assist with pain management, strengthening, improved fitness levels, weight loss, faster post-operative recovery times and neurological re-education. This means that with few exceptions, young and old pets can gain comfort, mobility and strength and can have an improved quality of life, at any stage of life.

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18837 Hawthorne Blvd. Torrance, CA 90504

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